Beyond the Limitations of Belief

Now, if you approach it quite differently, you will find out for yourselves, as individuals, something real that is beyond all the limitations of beliefs, beyond the illusion of words. But that—the discovery of truth, or God—demands great intelligence, which is not assertion of belief or disbelief, but the recognition of the hindrances created by lack of intelligence. So to discover God or truth—and I say such a thing does exist, I have realized it—to recognize that, to realize that, the mind must be free of all the hindrances which have been created throughout the ages, based on self-protection and security. You cannot be free of security by merely saying that you are free. To penetrate the walls of these hindrances, you need to have a great deal of intelligence, not mere intellect. Intelligence, to me, is mind and heart in full harmony; and then you will find out for yourself, without asking anyone, what that reality is.
J. Krishnamurti
Who is a believer who is a non believer ? An athiest is a believer too, he firmly believes in non existence of God. I am just scared of people who are too sure of themselves and believe that they have the answers and say this is it. God or no God.
Thanks for stopping by, wish I could offer some hot Madras tea, In my younger days I used to attend his lectures, I stopped reading his books when I realise that my views are pretty much the same. He did not influence me, it was already there. I would like to read something that I don't agree with, that kicks up a debate in mind, that debate opens new windows. you get new light. You become creative.
4:56 PM
I feel similarly. Thank you for taking time to share your thoughts.
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