Thursday, April 05, 2007

Beliefs, like ideals, are escapes from the fact

Belief is so unnecessary, as are ideals. Both dissipate energy which is needed to follow the unfolding of the fact, the “what is.” Beliefs, like ideals, are escapes from the fact and in escape there is no end to sorrow. The ending of sorrow is the understanding of the fact from moment to moment. There is no system or method which will give understanding but only a choiceless awareness of a fact. Meditation according to a system is the avoidance of the fact of what you are; it is far more important to understand yourself, the constant changing of the facts about yourself, than to meditate in order to find god, have visions, sensations, and other forms of entertainment.

Krishnamurti's Notebook - 41


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is a fact?

2:59 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can you understand yourself? Without certain beliefs about yourself? Without beliefs you won't be able to know what or who you are. There would be silence.
But what are thoughts except things based on beliefs.

2:35 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is only one sure way to end suffering. Be willing to suffer.

3:07 pm  
Blogger Wendy C. said...

What are thoughts except things based on beliefs?

Observations, possibly?

If one searches themselves only as far as the framework of the things they have decided to believe - do they really know themselves - or merely how closely they adhere to someone elses ideas (which is all a belief is...a matter settled by someone else which we decide to adopt)

Beliefs are connected to the past "I heard something at one point in time, and I decided I had enough evidence to consider the matter settled...therefore, I believe, and need look no further"

Could it be that the author looks at "beliefs" as evidence that one has closed their mind to inquirey? Maybe he's suggesting that you can know more about yourself by observing without judging.

However, I do not pretend to know...

re: be willing to suffer...I found your comment profound. Isn't that the root of the matter? We fight suffering, we tell ourselves the suffering we see or experience isn't fair - and yet, suffering,like joy, simply is until it isn't anymore. Events that induce suffering do not actually change whether we suffer, or submit. If we're willing to experience it, then we have lain down the fight altogether and just accept what is without turmoil.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Wonderful exchange.


4:04 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What are observations? Perhaps things based on what you think exist or what it is?
Can one observe without naming and associating? If there is such a thing as a wordless observation, what can one understand by observing?
What if you didn't know a thing? No knowledge of the physical world. No pyschological knowledge.
How would you function in society?
Sooner or later you will be making observations, thinking, making judgements and conclusions based on facts, concepts, ideas, etc. Things you gathered or received in the past and accepted as true.
So if you didn't believe that the earth rested on the back of a giant turtle, how does the earth revolve around the sun? Or is the world really round instead of flat?

11:57 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Basic ideas have no bases. They are the bases. We already know that physical reality is nothing but energy. But what is energy? The ability to do work? Work being the product of force applied and displacement, if there is any. If there is no movement there will be no work done. But more or less energy was exerted. We already know Newtonian physics doesn't apply to little things, microscopic objects, wave particles and waves. We already know and believe this. Should we keep searching for the ultimate theory, reality?

12:04 am  
Blogger Wendy C. said...

I wonder if we might try it. Maybe if we spend some time today simply observing, without words, without definitions, parameters or limits in the shape of words in our heards - then maybe we'll know how simple it can be - I wonder if we can lay down our egos and our desires to project words that indicate what we think we know - set aside the false sense of control we gain by our constant assessments - and just observe what is. I wonder what would happen if we allowed it for just a moment...if we might feel differently? Or do we really need that narrator...

Take care

8:26 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are bills to pay;>)

8:58 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes. I love watching my thoughts again and again. And being afraid. Like watching a horror film.
No need for discipline. Just observe.

9:03 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No need to lay down our egos. We are our egos. Just let it be. Nothing else.
Take care. :>)

9:07 am  
Blogger DobyD said...

if you start with a clean slate you would sit and observe the place you are in, the people, the animals, the society. The observation is never ending. It continues so that you can pick up patterns, trends, that help you tie things together. This may arouse concepts of things in your mind, but the point i think is to keep your mind open to new data from your constant observation, and watch how your understanding grows. If you were to close it and say "Ok now i know what this is" you have hit your limit and stay stuck there.

Scientist studying things such as super massive black holes in the center of our galaxy dont know a thing about what they are studying. They observe for 1, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20 years and thats when they start to find trends that help them figure out or conceptualize to some degree what they are studying. They dont just say OK we know what this is cause they rationalize that they could not possibly complete thier study of somthing so grand with 50 years of study. they need to see the full cycle of things, thier nature so as to understand it.

hope i am making sense.

Peace out.

8:26 am  
Blogger shiva said...

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best regards

8:23 am  
Blogger analyst said...

"The ending of sorrow is the understanding of the fact from moment to moment."

a still mind, one that is not generating, cataloging, or holding onto thoughts, which become past thoughts, which are inevitably 'old' and are a leading source of our incidental conditioning -- this still mind is liberated from life, dying each minute, each second, and understands the fact of 'what is' moment to moment.

so beautiful.

thank you for sharing Wendy.

7:04 pm  
Blogger sugar hill harlem inn said...

A fact is not an idea a fact is not a belief. Just because I believe in Santa does not make him exist. Beliefs and ideas are a distraction from what is. Reality is what you are not what you wish to be. When you don't believe in anything then the mind is empty and clear without prejudice.

1:17 pm  

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